Health is Wealth Wellness Center

Family oriented chiropractic wellness care with a concentration in pediatric and prenatal care

To enusre your visit with us is extraordinary, here is what to expect during our time together.

First Visit

Brief Paperwork

Upon entering the office, we have some brief paperwork for you to fill out. The paperwork provides us with general information about yourself and your condition. To save you some time, prior to your first visit you can fill out the patient intake form 


Once the paperwork has been completed, you will have a consultation with the Dr. Marchelle to review your health history as well to create your vision of ideal living.

History and Examination

You will receive a Spinal Health Assessment to determine your level of function and to create a baseline to work from.  These examinations are done every 12 visits to determine your progress and it aides Dr. Marchelle in understanding the cause of your health challenge(s) and to create your customized Care Plan

X-ray Studies

It may be necessary to take X-Rays of your spine to determine the severity and complexity of the subluxation complex that is causing your problems and to rule out any pathology.  To see is to know; not to see is to guess.  Dr. Marchelle will NOT guess about your health!