Health is Wealth Wellness Center

Family oriented chiropractic wellness care with a concentration in pediatric and prenatal care

  What to Expect
Your Second Visit-Report of Findings
During your second visit, Dr. Marchelle will share what she discovered about your health based on your Consultation, Exams, Scans, and X-Rays (if they were taken).  From there, she will provide your Customized Care Plan, which is the route for regaining and keeping your health.  We find that it’s much easier to bring your spouse/significant other with you so that they can hear what Dr. Marchelle reports concerning your health.  As well, it’s best when your spouse/significant other can ask questions if they so desire.  Plan to spend 30-minutes at our office during this visit.    We fully embrace that getting adjustments is the key to health and Health is Wealth!
You will be checked for vertebral subluxation and if present you’ll get adjusted.  It’s as simple as that.
We are honored to partner with you for optimum living!  You’ve done the hardest thing already…got here!  It’s smooth sailing for you and you’re in the right place.