Health is Wealth Wellness Center

Family oriented chiropractic wellness care with a concentration in pediatric and prenatal care

My services


Acute conditions are conditions that are new. Typically less than 12 weeks old.  These types of conditions normally need frequent treatments, especially in the initial stages. During the beginning of these conditions, there is typically swelling and pain, with difficulty in the performing of normal everyday activiities. While the length of time acute conditions take to respond, varies depending on the severity of the complaint. The more thorough the treatment, the better the chance that the condition is resolved. This will help prevent the condition from turning into a chronic situation.

Chronic conditions are health situations that have been present for longer periods of time. In many cases an injury or illness that occurred many years ago is still present.   Typically 12 or more weeks old.  Sometimes it is simply the nature of the condition. Things that may complicate acute and chronic conditions is the pain level, presence of skeletal anomaly on film, severe radiating pain, patients age,occupation, activity level, habits and nutritional diet. Patients with chronic conditions  may need a longer term care plan to slow down the progression of those conditions.


Wellness is a general term to describe the full health of a person. It generally includes physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and social categories. Chiropractic treatments can help with many of these facets of wellness and increase your overall sense of well-being.
The nervous system has a crucial impact on the wellness of a person, and so ensuring correct spinal alignment as well as other aspects will ensure that you can attain optimal wellness. There are a large variety of treatments available that will positively impact wellness.
Health is Wealth Wellness Center can help you to achieve wellness. After thoroughly examining you, we will determine the appropriate solution and explain what we can do for you. Call us today if you want to improve your wellness.


Chiropractic care in pregnancy is an excellent addition to your traditional prenatal care. Pre-existing or unnoticed imbalances in the spine and pelvis become stressed during pregnancy and these pronounced discomforts can make it more difficult to perform routine, daily activities.

There are many benefits to receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy, some of which include:
Reduction in back and pelvic pain
More ease with the natural changes related to pregnancy
Increased space in the pelvis facilitating the baby’s growth
Correct positioning of the pelvis, allowing for ease of labor and delivery
Decreased labor time
Greater ease and comfort during labor and birth, thereby reducing the need for pain relief drugs during delivery


In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments it is important to do spine related physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the spine.  paraspinal muscles help to hold the spine in its normal position and give joints the stability they need to support every day activities. Spine related physical therapy at Health is Wealth consists of precor stretches, therapeutic stretches and strengthening excercises with exercise balls and theraband straps, neuromuscular re-education on wobble chairs and cervical exstention tractions, and chiropractic biophysics exercises to mirror image abnormal posture and spinal structure.


Infant and pediatric chiropractic has been confirmed effective by several published studies, by researchers in the United States, Germany, Australia, and Denmark. At Health is Wealth Wellness Center, we believe that regular chiropractic care can alleviate many childhood illnesses, and can in fact help to prevent disease, which is far preferable to just treating ailments. Even as Health is Wealth Wellness Center strives to treat adults as complete people, through integrated healthcare of holistic healing methods, we also strive to treat the whole child. Through chiropractic adjustments and counseling on diet, exercise, and posture, we are dedicated to helping parents raise healthy children with good habits and bodies that are structurally and functionally sound.


Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique to help reduce pain and inflammation. Laser therapy can be safely used as an adjunct or replacement for pharmaceutical drugs. This pain relief treatment is FDA cleared and enables patients to have an alternative to drugs and surgery.
Laser therapy treatments last between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the condition being treated. Laser therapy treatments must be administered directly to skin, as laser light cannot penetrate through layers of clothing. You will feel a soothing warmth as the therapy is administered.